The revolution of mobile has nothing to do with technology. It is a revolution in behavior. Mobile means you are somewhere, doing something, likely with someone. And that sounds exactly like the scenario that most people are in when they go to a bar, brewpub or restaurant. For most of us it goes like this:…… Continue reading Turns Out, When You Go To a Bar or Restaurant You Bring Your SmartPhone
Author: Andy Newbom
My name is Andy Newbom. At this time there are less than 10 Newboms in the world. Not sure if thats good or bad.
The 4 Essential Social Media Tools That Rock
I am a social butterfly. I flit, I fly, I flutter. I also use tools. (Is that the definition of metrosexual?) And if there is one thing that my years as a chef, barista, coffee roaster and beer brewer taught me: The right tool is essential. Be it a professional, sharpenable chefs knife, the perfect…… Continue reading The 4 Essential Social Media Tools That Rock
Big Idea Generation Machine – Shower or Sleep?
I almost never have any big ideas in the shower. Apparently I am a weirdo because so many people talk about all the best ideas they have in the shower. Not me. I’m not sure if it is because I tend to take pretty quick showers since I have lived in the southern California desert for…… Continue reading Big Idea Generation Machine – Shower or Sleep?
30 Posts in 30 Days – Writing Like A Whirlwind
I have decided to take on a challenge. (I love challenges.) I’m going to write 30 blog posts on my blog in the next 30 days. For my fellow math challenged, that is one post per day, every day for 30 days. (I hate algebra.) This is not a new idea but I’m usurping it…… Continue reading 30 Posts in 30 Days – Writing Like A Whirlwind
304 Of My Favorite Social Media Tools All On One Massive List
A while back I started a list on my friend Nick Kellet’s startup If you have not used get over there and check it out and start making shareable, embeddable lists of awesomeness. I made a list of my favorite Social Media Tools and made it public and editable. I then forgot about…… Continue reading 304 Of My Favorite Social Media Tools All On One Massive List