Your email marketing campaigns have been humming along nicely. You built a great subscriber list with double opt-in subscription, smart segmenting, and the best email service provider (ESP). You have a strong brand, killer offers, brilliant creative, and a stunning responsive website. And your email open rates are flat-lining or declining. Is it you,…… Continue reading SocialMediaToday – 3 Simple Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rates in Under an Hour
Author: Andy Newbom
My name is Andy Newbom. At this time there are less than 10 Newboms in the world. Not sure if thats good or bad.
SocialMediaToday – 5 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Email Marketing
Article written for Email marketing is often misunderstood. Email Marketing professionals often battle misconceptions, misunderstandings and misanthropy in explaining what we do and why we do it. From defending our email campaigns from the CFO who thinks we “send free letters” to convincing our mom’s that we aren’t those evil spammers, it seems the…… Continue reading SocialMediaToday – 5 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Email Marketing
Killer Tacos + Social Customer Care = Rock My World
This article appeared on Sprout Social’s Insight blog I had an absolutely wondrous experience with a brand actively engaging on social media & taking that magic offline to my restaurant experience. The team at Puesto and Eric Adler are not only rocking amazing tacos but amazing customer service. Support them and support great local food…… Continue reading Killer Tacos + Social Customer Care = Rock My World
A Collective New Media Genius Staggering to Behold
The brilliant minds leading the latest “new media” revolution successfully displaced the antiquated, stodgy “old media” dystopia. They swooped in riding their midnight blue Tesla S’s straight down Stanford ave. and into your smart phone. [box type=”alert” size=”large” style=”rounded”]TV? Dead![/box] [box type=”alert” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Radio? Dead![/box] [box type=”alert” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Newspapers? Dead![/box] [box type=”alert” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Advertising? Dead![/box]…… Continue reading A Collective New Media Genius Staggering to Behold
Wonderfully Refreshing Use of an Infographic to Drive Engagement
Brilliant, topical, timely and relevant! The team over at Atomic Reach hold a weekly twitter chat called #atomicchat held every week at 6PM (PST)-9PM (EST). Atomic Reach makes a suite of tools that can improve your blogging and content marketing with best practices and actionable advice. Highly recommend them and I use them on my…… Continue reading Wonderfully Refreshing Use of an Infographic to Drive Engagement