2013 was a whirlwind of a year for me. A Vortex if you will. [twocol_one]Geographically I started the year here: View Larger Map[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]and ended the year here: View Larger Map[/twocol_one_last] What can I say? I like beaches. I started the year aggressively growing the first micro craft brewery in El Salvador. Building it through…… Continue reading Freshie Fresherton – Social Fresh Top 43 Career Moves of 2013
Author: Andy Newbom
My name is Andy Newbom. At this time there are less than 10 Newboms in the world. Not sure if thats good or bad.
Art of War- Competitive Intelligence As An Offensive Weapon
Article first appeared in Technorati here. Competition. The very word can often strike fear in the hearts of many a business owner or executive. They get reviled, extolled, crushed, attacked, copied, grudgingly praised and even sometimes acquired. Too seldom does it get broken down, analyzed, and synthesized into something useful and leveraged as an opportunity.…… Continue reading Art of War- Competitive Intelligence As An Offensive Weapon
Sauces and Soups, Is Your Marketing Feeding Your Customers?
I have been a professional in many areas throughout my life adventure. I have been a professional horse wrangler, a professional VW restorer, professional snowboarder, professional chef, Barista, coffee roaster, craft beer brewer, professional marketing exec and more. I was a professional chef for about 7 years here in San Diego before I started my…… Continue reading Sauces and Soups, Is Your Marketing Feeding Your Customers?
Why is HR Not Part of Marketing Already?
Marketing has come a long way. 2013 saw the massive dominance of the social business mindset in marketing with content marketing, utility, social media and customer focus driving the pace of change. Nearly every part of modern businesses now realize that they are part of marketing in some aspect. Even the staid bastion of cost…… Continue reading Why is HR Not Part of Marketing Already?
Laser or Discoball: Can You Sum Up What Your Company Does in 140 Characters?
Focus is exceptionally powerful. Lasers are focused. Disco Balls are not. And although both can make the party a whole lot more fun, only one of the can accomplish real world objectives. Look at your company’s website and marketing materials. What do you see? What do they say you do? Can you sum up your…… Continue reading Laser or Discoball: Can You Sum Up What Your Company Does in 140 Characters?