Hunter vs. Farmer: The Mighty Coffee Hunter vs The Dirty Hands Coffee Farmer

There is a never-ending debate raging deep within the Specialty Coffee world that is battling over the very foundation of what Specialty Coffee is and it’s place in our world. It is deeply embedded. So deep in fact that few people talk about it on any kind of regular basis. It is a foundational core belief…… Continue reading Hunter vs. Farmer: The Mighty Coffee Hunter vs The Dirty Hands Coffee Farmer

In Defense of Friendly Coffee

I am a YUGE fan of mind-blowing, amazing coffees with flavors that sparkle and dance and explode like pop-rocks on your tongue. I really like unbalanced, extreme flavors in coffee, beer and food. What I LOVE in coffee though is complexity of flavor, perfect balance, nuance, depth and refinement. I lose my mind over coffees…… Continue reading In Defense of Friendly Coffee

Rock Gods Never Die. David Bowie is Forever.

David Bowie isn’t dead. David Bowie is a Rock God. Rock Gods never die. Rock n Roll will never die. David Bowie is alive and rocking still.   David Bowie was one of the most powerful rock and rollers of the last 50 years. He did more in his short time on this planet than…… Continue reading Rock Gods Never Die. David Bowie is Forever.

Customers Don’t Exist

There is no such thing as Customers. There are ‘your customers’, ‘not your customers’ and ‘possible customers’.  But there is no one customer. There is no single entity with a fixed set of attributes that is “the Customer.” That is a fallacy and a fiction that will frustrate you into oblivion. If you have a…… Continue reading Customers Don’t Exist

Stumptown Coffee Plus Peet’s Coffee – Welcome To Peetstown

Today the Specialty coffee world is afire with the news about one of our own idols Stumptown Coffee being sold (again), this time to Peet’s Coffee. The reactions range from FU$KI%G SELLOUTS! to HELL YEAH CONGRATS!   I’m firmly in the congratulations camp. The people at Stumptown have operated at the highest level of awesomeness…… Continue reading Stumptown Coffee Plus Peet’s Coffee – Welcome To Peetstown