Messaging is Messaging. Even When You Don’t Want It to, It Still Broadcasts. Choose your message with care. I am constantly amazed at how many times I hear intelligent, marketing savvy people say things like this: “But I’m not saying that X is all that matters or that Y isn’t true, I’m just doing Z!” What they…… Continue reading Messaging is Messaging.
Tag: craft beer
Three Important Words That Don’t Make Craft Beer Taste Better
But nevertheless should guide your every purchase decision. Small, Local, Independent. It’s true that none of these three words directly affect the taste and quality of your Craft beer (or Craft Coffee). But they absolutely affect your community, your life, your city and your planet. Large, far away breweries can make fantastically tasty, high quality…… Continue reading Three Important Words That Don’t Make Craft Beer Taste Better
Why Bud Light Drinkers Are More Beer Snobs Than I Am
I hate beer. It is nasty and flavorless. But I love Craft beer. It tastes fantastic, is full of flavor and complexity, is made with quality ingredients and tends to have interesting stories. It tastes nothing like crap beer. There is no price point at which mass produced crap American lagers like Bud Light, Coors…… Continue reading Why Bud Light Drinkers Are More Beer Snobs Than I Am
30 Posts in 30 Days – Writing Like A Whirlwind
I have decided to take on a challenge. (I love challenges.) I’m going to write 30 blog posts on my blog in the next 30 days. For my fellow math challenged, that is one post per day, every day for 30 days. (I hate algebra.) This is not a new idea but I’m usurping it…… Continue reading 30 Posts in 30 Days – Writing Like A Whirlwind
San Diego Craft Beer Week Explodes With Awesomeness
I am sooo freaking excited! I will be pouring as a volunteer at the San Diego Beer Week Beer Guild VIP Brewers party on Friday November 1st. The San Diego Brewers Guild is awesome. San Diego Craft Beer is awesome. This Friday, San Diego Beer Week begins with the official kickoff event, the Guild Festival…… Continue reading San Diego Craft Beer Week Explodes With Awesomeness